I’m lucky enough to own all 6 of the Advanced Heroquest metal prototype miniatures, two of the miniatures are very rare, this Skaven and the Elf, the other four figures while rare do pop up on ebay occasionally but still fetch around £60 each. As a comparison between the plastic and metal miniature I’ve done this picture for you –
As you can see there are a few minor differences but they are essentially the same figure, to be honest I don’t particularly like either figure, the metal miniatures head looks a bit pig like to me, but as I’m about to start my Skaven army now I thought I’d paint the metal one up to test some colours that I’m thinking of using on them, and here is the finished result.
I’m trying to get a drab look for the army with no bright colours, I’m happy with the fur but not sure about the tunics colour so I may change it for my first unit.