I’ve finally got finished the next batch of Dungeon Saga miniatures, some are a joy to paint others are a pita.
From left to right are the Armoured Zombies, Skeleton Scythe Men and Zombies
I’ve nearly done all the monsters now, I just need to finish the Skeleton Bowmen but I don’t have the urge to paint them yet so it may be a while until the next Dungeon Saga update. But I am currently working on a large unit of Skaven so that probably will be the next update.
The Painting guide is below if needed.
Skeleton with Scythe
From a black undercoat he was dry brushed with Beasty Brown, and then dry brushed Bonewhite, it was then given a Sepia Wash and when that was dry a very light dry brush of Bonewhite again.
The Skeletons scythe was painted with Heavy Sienna and shaded with Umber Wash, Heavy Sienna mixed with Bonewhite was used as a highlight, more Bonewhite was added for a subsequent highlight it was then given a Sepia Wash. The blade was painted with Gunmetal, shaded with a mix of Black and Umber Wash and then given a dry brush of Gunmetal and then Vallejo Dry Rust.
Armoured Zombie
The Zombies flesh was painted with Dead Flesh shaded with Army Painter Strong Tone and then highlighted with Dead Flesh again, the eyes were just painted with Glacier Blue.
His Sword and armour were painted with Gunmetal shaded with Strong Tone and dry brushed with Gunmetal again, a few details were picked out with Brassy Brass and highlighted with Bright Bronze.
The tunic was painted with a base coat of Cold Grey and then highlighted with Dead White, it was then given a a coat of Strong Tone to shade it and then highlighted with Dead White again. The small areas of undergarment on the model were simply painted Black and then highlighted with a mix of Black and Cold Grey.
The shield pattern and the inverted V on the the tunic were painted with Ultramarine Blue and highlighted with Magic Blue and a shade of Strong Tone.
The Zombies Belt, Straps and Boots were painted with Leather Brown shaded with, Strong Tone, then highlighted with Leather Brown, and a final highlight of Leather Brown mixed with Bonewhite.
The Zombies flesh was painted with Dead Flesh shaded with Army Painter Strong Tone and then highlighted with Dead Flesh again, the eyes were just painted with Glacier Blue.
The jacket on the zombie is Heavy Brown shaded with Strong Tone, highlighted with Heavy Brown and a final highlight of Khaki. The Trousers and hair on the model were simply painted Black and then highlighted with a mix of Black and Cold Grey and then shaded with Stone Tone.
His rope belt is painted with Khaki and a shaded with Strong Tone, it is then highlighted with Khaki again. The small pouch and scabbard were painted with Dark Fleshtone and shaded with Strong Tone, Dark Fleshtone was then used again as a highlight and a final highlight was used of Dark Fleshtone mixed with Bonewhite. The daggers handle is just Gunmetal shaded with Strong Tone and then highlighted with Gunmetal again.
The blood and wounds on the model were painted with Red Gore and then shaded with Strong Tone, Vallejo Effects Dried Blood was then added and smaller areas of Fresh Blood.