Now that I’ve finished the Heroquest miniatures I want to work on some more furniture pieces from Zealot Miniatures to use with the game, I’ve got a lot of these to work on as I intend to use them for Advanced Heroquest too.
Painting guides and pictures are below –
Iron Maiden
From a Black undercoat a base coat of Black mixed with Gunmetal was used, it was then shaded with a mix of Umber and Black Wash. Gunmetal was then dry brushed all over the piece, and then Vallejo Special Effects Dry Rust was lightly dry brushed over most of the model. A final very light dry brush of Vallejo Special Effects Rust was used over just the most prominent areas. To help smooth the tones together another wash of the Umber and Black mix was used again.
Jack O’Lantern
From a White undercoat it was base coated with Orange Fire, an all over Red Wash was applied to shade and then Orange Fire was reapplied. A final highlight of Orange Fire mixed with Gold Yellow was then used. The cut out eyes and mouth were painted with Gold Yellow, then highlighted with Sun Yellow and then a final highlight of Sun Yellow mixed with White.
The small piece of stem on the lid of the pumpkin was painted Cayman Green and then Cayman Green with a little Gold Yellow as a highlight.
From a Black undercoat a heavy dry brush of Cold Grey was used, when that was dry I shaded with Black Wash mixed with equal parts of Umber Wash, it was then dry brushed again with Cold Grey, then a lighter Stonewall Grey dry brush, and finally a light dry brush of Ghost Grey. It was then washed with Pale Grey Wash, and then when that was fully dry a heavily watered down Black Wash.
Alternatively for a sandstone effect, from a Black undercoat give it a heavy dry brush of Khaki, then use the Black and Umber Wash mix, dry brush with Khaki again, then Khaki mixed with Bonewhite and finally a very light dry brush of just Bonewhite. When that’s dry wash it with a very watered down Sepia Wash.
The wood was base coated Earth and then given two coats of Umber Wash to shade, it was then dry brushed with Earth again as a highlight. The metal parts are painted with Gunmetal shaded with Black and Umber wash with patches of Vallejo Special Effects Rust added. The Rope is just Khaki shaded with Umber Wash and highlighted with Khaki again.
The Stone is identical to the Racks stone above, I painted the skulls in the tomb as actual skulls rather than carvings, with a base coat of Beasty Brown I dry brushed Bonewhite, shaded with Sepia Wash, dry brushed again with a mix of Bonewhite and Off White and then a final shade of heavily watered down Sepia Wash again.
The corpse in the tomb was simply painted Dead White, shaded with Umber Wash and then when that was dry with Sepia Wash. The treasure was painted Bright Bronze, shaded with Sepia Wash, highlighted with Glorious Gold and then a final highlight of Polished Gold.
These are very quick to paint, just the same stone as on the Rack up above and the few bits of ironmongery on the walls are Gunmetal shaded with Black and Umber wash with patches of Vallejo Special Effects Rust added.
Wall of Ice
Starting with a White undercoat I base coated it with Electric Blue, when that was dry I shaded with watered down Army Painter Purple Tone Quickshade. I then dry brushed with Electric Blue and then again with Electric Blue mixed equally with Glacier Blue, more Glacier Blue was added for the next dry brush. I then dry brushed pure Glacier Blue and then Glacier Blue mixed with Dead White. A final very light dry brush of Dead White was used on the highest points on the Wall. When it was all dry I used Vallejo Gloss varnish to make it shine.
Wall of Fire
Fire is basically painted the opposite of everything else, you start with a light colour and end with a dark one, the hottest part of the fire is the brightest (the bottom). So from a White undercoat I base coated it all Moon Yellow, dry brushed Sun Yellow, then Gold Yellow. I then mixed 50/50 Gold Yellow and Orange Fire, then used just Orange Fire for the next stage of dry brushing, I then added Bloody Red to the Orange Fire and then finished off with a light dry brush of Bloody Red on the tips of the flames.
These will have items such as plates and candles added to them when I finish painting them so they aren’t fully completed yet, but ll the wood was base coated Earth and then given two coats of Umber Wash to shade, it was then dry brushed with Earth again as a highlight. The small metal nails are painted with Gunmetal shaded with Black and Umber wash.
The tablecloths were painted Cayman Green and shaded with Green Wash, they were highlighted with Cayman Green and then a final highlight of Cayman Green mixed with Bonewhite.