The Mummies are done and they weren’t too hard although the picture doesn’t make them look too good, I’ve already started on the Zombies so the undead element of Heroquest will be done soon.
I am still unsure whether to paint the eyes, in real life mummies eyes were removed because of their moisture content but the miniature looks a bit plain without them, so I may add something later.
Painting Guide
The wraps covering the body were simply painted Dead White, followed by an Umber wash, then drybrushed with Dead White again and finally a Sepia Wash.
The skin was started with a Heavy Brown base coat followed by a Dead White drybrush and then a Fleshtone Wash. I wanted the mummy to look a bit strange so used a mix of Purple Ink and Pale Grey Wash and then finally a very light Dead Flesh dry brush to add a bit of colour
The whole model was then coated with Army Painter Anti Shine Matt Varnish. If I do go back and add the eyes it will probably be a dot of Ice Blue